The UK's leading water reduction company - Over £35M saved for our clients

Meter verification and downsizing

Meters can go wrong. Get yours tested and start saving!

To book your free water

 audit review call 


or email:

[email protected]k

Water Meter Verification And Downsizing

Almost all non-household customers now have a water meter, and this is used to estimate the amount of foul sewage generated.

If you have a water meter, your foul sewage charges are worked out using a volumetric rate which is multiplied by the volume of water used, adjusted for the water that does not return to the sewers.

Most companies also charge a "standing charge" the level of this charge is dependent on the size of your water meter on site.

We will verify your meter and its size to be sure it is correctly suited for your business needs and that you are being charged accordingly.

Get your meter tested and verified as part of our process - contact us today for no obligation advice.

Free Comprehensive Forensic Water Audit and Analysis

We provide a complete forensic water audit of your company to ensure you're running as efficiently as possible. We specialise in cost reductions, refunds and in some cases removal of charges completely. 

Our services are provided on a completely free basis with zero upfront cost to your company. If we can't save your company money you pay nothing.

Work With The Best

We're trusted by hundreds of the UK's leading brands. 

Whether you're an SME or a household name, we'll work with you to significantly lower your company's water costs and ensure your business is as efficient as is can be.

With over 25 years in the business, it's time to work with the best. 

The UK's Leading Water Reduction Company

Saving over £35million for our clients 

allied logo
Allied Bakeries
Allied Bakeries

In excess of £785,000 was refunded and saved throughout Allied Bakeries bread division sites across the UK.

Compass Group
Compass group
Compass Group

Helping the Compass Group to achieve water based charges refunds & savings valued at tens of thousands of Pounds.

NHS logo

Systematically working across a numerous NHS hospital sites in England and Wales achieving combined savings in excess of £1,000,000.

The Audit Process + FAQ's

How are we billed for your services?

Audit Analysis

The Survey

The Report


The End Result

To book your free water

audit review call


or email:

[email protected]

Get back what's yours.

We are helping businesses like yours all over the UK. Our average claim is £25,000+ with many companies owed £Millions in compensation. Ready to find out how much your company is owed? Fill in the form and we'll get started right away!


Our fee is only deducted from the amount of the compensation you are owed, meaning you are never out of pocket. So take action now by filling out the form, and we will be in touch.

Business/Enquiry Form

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