The UK's leading water reduction company - Over £35M saved for our clients

Surface Water and Highways Drainage

Rainwater is costing your company money. We help reduce those costs.

To book your free water

 audit review

 call 07563830088

or email:

 [email protected]

Surface Water and Highways Drainage Is Costing Your Company Money

Surface water drainage occurs when rainwater from your property drains into the sewer. Your water supplier collects and treats this surface water. There is a charge to you for this service.

Most rainwater falling on properties drains into public sewers owned by water and sewerage companies. The companies are responsible for removing and processing this rainwater. The companies collect around £1 billion each year to cover the costs of this service. If rainwater drains from your property into a public sewer, you will be charged for surface water drainage.

If you can prove that the surface rainwater from your property does not drain into the public sewer (soakaways, recycled on premises etc) you may be entitled to an exemption from future surface water charges. You may also be able to claim a refund for money you have previously paid for surface water drainage. 

We have achieved refunds and improved efficiency in the workplace totalling millions of pounds for clients. Start saving today - get in touch.

Free Comprehensive Forensic Water Audit and Analysis

We provide a complete forensic water audit of your company to ensure you're running as efficiently as possible. We specialise in cost reductions, refunds and in some cases removal of charges completely. 

Our services are provided on a completely free basis with zero upfront cost to your company. If we can't save your company money you pay nothing.

Work With The Best

We're trusted by hundreds of the UK's leading brands. 

Whether you're an SME or a household name, we'll work with you to significantly lower your company's water costs and ensure your business is as efficient as is can be.

With over 25 years in the business, it's time to work with the best. 

The UK's Leading Water Reduction Company

Saving over £35million for our clients 


With our support, Hovis has achieved over £825,000 in water refunds and water savings across their bakery sites.


We have worked with Primark Stores for several years securing refunds and savings of over £1.2 million pounds.

Crystal Palace FC
Crystal Palace Football Club

We have saved Crystal Palace FC tens of thousands of pounds in water charges.

The Audit Process + FAQ's

How are we billed for your services?

Audit Analysis

The Survey

The Report


The End Result

To book your free water

 audit review

 call 07563830088

or email:

[email protected]

Get back what's yours.

We are helping businesses like yours all over the UK. Our average claim is £25,000+ with many companies owed £Millions in compensation. Ready to find out how much your company is owed? Fill in the form and we'll get started right away!


Our fee is only deducted from the amount of the compensation you are owed, meaning you are never out of pocket. So take action now by filling out the form, and we will be in touch.

Business/Enquiry Form

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